OHM WRESTLING is an interactive exhibit designed and executed by NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program for the World Maker Faire 2013 (http://makerfaire.com/).
Ohm Wrestling is a human powered, collaborative mechanical arm wrestling competition.
Two mechanical arms are setup in arm wrestling position for teams Blue and Orange. Each team has an array of energy harvesting devices behind them feeding into the corresponding arm (Shake, Push, Pedal, Pull, Crank). The various devices show different methods of harvesting kinetic energy from human motion, energy that the participants use to power their team’s arm. The harder the teams work, the more power they produce - giving more force to their arm to win the competition. In addition, each device is equipped with a light to show each user their own contribution to their team's winning the competition.
Variables that contribute to a team winning the competition include the amount of watts produced as well as the endurance of the team (how long they can last at peak energy production levels). A large meter reflects the teams' status/energy produced for the competitors and the audience.
poto by Natasha Dzurny
graphic - Natasha Dzurny
photographed by: Talya Stein
The PULL mechanism- a pulley. Designed and constructed by Norah Solorzano.
photographed by: Talya Stein
The CRANK mechanism: designed and constructed by David Rios.
photographed by: Talya Stein
The SHAKE mechanism: designed and constructed by Mary Fe.
photographed by: Talya Stein
The PUSH mechanism: designed and constructed by Andrew Cerrito.
The SPIN mechanism: designed by Anne-Marie Lavigne and Jay Zehngebot.
Photo by Caroline Sinders
Photo by Caroline Sinders
Photo by Caroline Sinders
Photo by Caroline Sinders
photo by Talya Stein
photo by Talya Stein
photo by Talya Stein
For detailed information on the fabrication, construction etc. -- please see my blog post: