Lasers! Initial foray into immersive interactive laser proj.
I can scale light with "ease" and can create encompassing work with light in ways that more traditional media wouldn't allow.
I want to rebuild the geometry made in modelbuilder with laser pointers.
It is rather- volumetric display is the proper term.
Recreate the lines of the geometry with lasers and mirrors in 3D.
(then there is this:
So, for some research:
1st I need to know how possible is this... and yeah... it is... though finicky, I think it is do-able given the initial research below.
I also needed to know how to get a decent laser- what are the limits of a laser pointer and how effective can they be.
I discovered that here in the states we are limited to the wattage a laser can be.
I ended up on sites for enthusiasts of either Astronomy or Gun People, as the highest power Lasers are typically used for focusing your telescope (or scope on your gun).
Lasers come with ratings and the highest quality laser for use in America is a IIIA.
A write-up on one of the models discussed in the forum:
So I got myself a IIA green laser
String tracing a "vector" test 1 with weak laser
making three vectors with string three mirrors and one laser (2 vectors shown).
another view
what my sketch of a box looks like
then my fancy laser came in the mail!
super effing strong laser!
like crazy strong
lights off with a string along the laser's line
P.O.I.S.E.D. is a laser scanner camera and projector for art installations - real time laser imaging and projection system inspired by Nipkow Discs, frequency as image, and the physics of light.