hannah mishin

Portfolio and Blog of artist and technologist Hannah Mishin.  

Pop Up Windows

Double Take Assignment - conspirators= Valerie Chen and Brett Peterson. Create a simple interaction which causes people on the street to look twice/investigate.

To take a closer look at something mundane, we decided to insert into the many grates on the street, a blinky light message:  "U R GR8"

We measured the grate and made a perfboard mock-up.



Then we mocked up the lettering to ensure that it was in fact legible.


Then we prototyped the circuit, making sure that the series and parallel wiring would work to cover 44 LEDs


Then I started the circuit


Then I added a 555 timer to make the lights pulse (to increase interest on the street).

The actual wiring of this protoboard was perhaps some of the sloppiest I've ever created.  It works, and that's what counts.  There are 2 LEDs out in this version.